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Purpose of study

At our school we want pupils to be MASTERS of technology and not slaves to it. Technology is everywhere and will play a pivotal part in students' lives. Therefore, we want to model and educate our pupils on how to use technology positively, responsibly and safely. We want our pupils to be creators not consumers and our broad curriculum, encompasses this though the 4 themes of: creativity, productivity, online safety and Programming.



What is distinctive about computing at St John's Middle School?
  • The curriculum content is specially designed for our students
  • Computing has a designated place on the weekly timetable
  • 4 themes of creativity, productivity, Online safety and programming run through all year groups.
  • Finalists in the Cyber girl’s security competition 2022
  • Trips to other high schools for Digital leader days.
  • Future engineer and computing careers afternoons hosted by Amazon
  • QinetiQ Robotics Challenge. KS2 students will be introduced to the fascinating world of robotics.


Key stage 2

Pupils should be taught to:

  • Design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical systems; solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts
  • Use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs; work with variables and various forms of input and output
  • Use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs
  • Understand computer networks including the internet; how they can provide multiple services, such as the world wide web; and the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration
  • Use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital content
  • Select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information
  • Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact.



Year 5

  • Unit 1 Introductory unit
    In this unit, students will develop essential skills using Microsoft Word to create informative and visually appealing posters. They will progress from basic tasks such as adding text and images to more advanced techniques like formatting, arranging elements, and saving/printing their work. Additionally, students will explore the concepts of logging on and simple networks, understanding the components of a computer and how it functions. Throughout the unit, students will engage in hands-on activities and discussions to strengthen their understanding of digital literacy and effective communication while fostering creativity and problem-solving skills.

  • Unit 2 PowerPoint and Online Safety
    In this unit, students will learn the fundamentals of PowerPoint and how to create engaging and interactive presentations. The unit begins with an introduction to PowerPoint basics, covering topics such as creating slides, adding text and images, and organizing the presentation. Students will then explore techniques to enhance their presentations, including applying themes, using slide transitions, and formatting text and shapes. In the following lessons, they will dive into advanced presentation skills, such as incorporating animations, adding hyperlinks, and addressing online safety topics like cyberbullying, personal information protection, and media safety. They will also look at how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is used by companies to either help or influence people. Finally, students will apply their knowledge and creativity in a culminating project where they will design an interactive presentation to assist a boy with online safety in his room, utilizing hyperlinks to navigate through questions and provide helpful information. By the end of this unit, students will have developed proficiency in PowerPoint and gained a comprehensive understanding of online safety while showcasing their ability to create engaging and informative presentations.

  • Unit 3 Word, Design Dream Bedroom
    In this unit, students will explore the exciting world of digital design as they use Microsoft Word to create their own dream bedroom. Through a series of five engaging lessons, students will develop their skills in using Word's features to design and customize their bedroom layouts, add visual elements such as furniture and decorations, write descriptive text, and apply formatting options. By the end of the unit, students will have a completed bedroom design document, showcasing their creativity and proficiency in using Word for design purposes.

  • Unit 4 Flowol
    The unit "Exploring Flowcharts and Flowol" introduces students to the concept of flowcharts and provides hands-on experience using the Flowol program. Through a series of lessons, students will learn about the importance of flowcharts in program design, understand the symbols and conventions used in flowcharts, and develop the skills to create and analyse flowcharts using the Flowol software.

  • Unit 5 Excel
    During this unit, children will learn how to use Excel to effectively manage and analyse their imaginary £1 million budget. They will learn how to enter, format, calculate, analyse, and present data related to their spending.


Year 6

  • Unit 1 Kodu
    In this unit, students will embark on an exciting journey to design and create their own racing games using Kodu. Through a series of engaging lessons, students will develop essential skills in game design, programming, and critical thinking. They will start by familiarizing themselves with Kodu, learning how to navigate the software, create new worlds, and follow instructions. As they progress, students will delve into the intricacies of designing virtual environments, utilizing tools to modify landscapes, and constructing race tracks with unique features. They will gain proficiency in programming objects and characters to react to events, control character movement, and implement path-following mechanics. Through the iterative process, students will refine their games, enhancing playability and visual appeal. In the culminating project, students will demonstrate their mastery by independently creating their own racing game, testing its functionality, and evaluating its strengths and areas for improvement. This unit will foster creativity, problem-solving, collaboration, and self-reflection as students embark on an exhilarating race towards becoming proficient game creators in Kodu.

  • Unit Micro-bit
    The Micro-Bit Programming unit introduces students to the exciting world of microcontrollers and coding through hands-on exploration with the Micro-Bit. Throughout the unit, students will learn about the basic functionalities of the Micro-Bit, including buttons, LEDs, and sensors. They will develop their programming skills by creating interactive displays, generating sounds, and incorporating motion sensing into their projects. Students will also learn fundamental programming concepts such as loops, conditionals, and variables as they progress through the unit. The culmination of the unit will be a game development project, where students will apply their knowledge to create a simple game using the Micro-Bit's features. This unit aims to foster creativity, problem-solving, and computational thinking skills, empowering students to unleash their imagination and become creators of technology.

  • Unit 3 Sound Design
    Unit Overview: In this unit, students will explore the creative possibilities of music composition using the Quickbeats feature in Charanga. Through a series of five engaging lessons, students will learn how to navigate and utilize the Quickbeats interface, select and research suitable music genres, arrange instrument tracks, and manipulate tempo and rhythm to evoke desired moods. They will also delve into the realms of harmony and melody, experimenting with chord progressions, customizing melodies, and layering tracks to add complexity. Students will acquire the skills to create transitions and dynamic changes to their compositions, refining and fine-tuning their arrangements for balanced and cohesive results. The unit will culminate in lessons on exporting and sharing finished songs, as well as evaluating their own work against assessment criteria and engaging in peer assessment. Through this unit, students will develop both technical and creative competencies in music composition, fostering a deep appreciation for the art of musical expression.

  • Unit 4 Pivot
    In this unit, students will explore the exciting world of animation through the lens of Pivot Stickfigure Animator. This user-friendly software will serve as the platform for students to progressively build their animation skills, from creating basic stick figures to crafting more complex narratives with advanced techniques. Through a series of hands-on lessons, students will delve into the fundamentals of animation, character design, storytelling, and effects, culminating in the creation of their own unique animated projects.

  • Unit 5 Comic Book
    In this unit, we will recap and build upon our previous skills in PowerPoint, including creating slides, adding text and images, applying themes and transitions, and formatting text. We will then delve into the exciting world of comic book creation. Through research and planning, we will explore the elements of a well-structured comic book, such as storyline and characters. We will learn to use an iPad to take photos for our comic book, experimenting with angles and lighting to capture the desired mood. We will upload the pictures to the computer, organizing and naming them for our project. We will then discover how to delete backgrounds using PowerPoint and draw objects using Paint.NET, a powerful image editing software. Finally, we will bring it all together by copying our edited pictures back into PowerPoint, applying advanced formatting techniques, and creating dynamic presentations with animations and transitions.

Year 7

  • Unit 1 Scratch
    In this unit, students will learn how to create a game using Scratch, a visual programming language. Students will learn how to program a Sprite, how to create their own Sprite and then a reminder on how to keep our files organised. They will progressively develop their skills and understanding of key concepts, including the repeat function, forever and repeat blocks, using the pen tool to create shapes, working with variables, and using broadcast messages for communication between game elements. Each lesson will introduce new concepts and provide hands-on activities to reinforce learning. At the end of the unit, students will showcase their learning by designing and creating their own unique game using Scratch.

  • Unit 2 Publisher and Photo Editing
    In this exciting unit, students step into the shoes of aspiring musicians who have been signed by a record company. They embark on a creative journey that blends music and visual arts, learning how to promote their band by creating and designing a business card and producing their own album cover. Through hands-on activities using Microsoft Publisher and Paint.NET, students will develop essential skills in graphic design, they will have an understanding of how to market a their own brand of music.

  • Unit 3 HTML and CSS
    In this unit, students will embark on an exciting journey into the world of web development by exploring HTML and CSS. Starting with the fundamentals of HTML, they will learn to create basic web pages, add headings, paragraphs, and lists to structure content, and incorporate images and links for enhanced interactivity. They will then delve into the realm of CSS, understanding its role in text formatting and styling, and how to apply styles to HTML elements. Through hands-on activities and assessments, students will gradually develop proficiency in web design, culminating in a recap and review of the concepts covered, including the distinction between block-level and inline elements. By the end of this unit, students will have gained a solid foundation in creating and styling web pages using HTML and CSS as they create a wen page for their artist.

  • Unit 4 Music Video
    In this unit, children will begin to develop their band even further by creating a music video to go along with their song. Using video editing software, such as Movie Maker or Serif, they will select a song and then edit it so that it fits with a range of images and text on the screen. They will be able to showcase their music video by embedding it into their PowerPoint that has their business card and album cover, allowing them to develop ways in which they can market and present their video production, and creative expression. By the end of the unit, they will have a comprehensive understanding of how artistry and technology can merge to showcase their musical talents

Year 8

  • Unit 1 Binary
    This unit introduces pupils to the concept of binary. They become familiar with the denary system (base 10) and the binary system (base 2). The students practise converting both from binary to denary and from denary to binary. They also look at how control technology is used in the modern world through the use of ASCII Characters, how images and colour are presented on the screen and finally how audio is recorded and presented as a sound. This unit will allow the students to have a better understanding of how binary helps influence aspects of their everyday lives.

  • Unit 2 Impact of Technology on Society 
    In this unit, we will explore the fascinating world of technology and its impact on society. Through engaging PowerPoint presentations with advanced animations, students will learn how to effectively communicate their ideas and make their presentations more engaging. We will delve into the profound changes technology has brought to our lives and how it has transformed the way we live, work, and interact with each other. Students will also gain a deeper understanding of computers by breaking them down into their various components and understanding how they work together. Additionally, we will explore complex networking, uncovering how computers communicate with each other. Finally, we will examine the World Wide Web and its role in connecting people and information globally, while also delving into the ethical considerations surrounding internet use. Students will learn how to search smartly, ensuring they find reliable and accurate information online. Through this unit, students will develop essential technological and critical thinking skills necessary for navigating and understanding our increasingly interconnected world.

  • Unit 3 Mobile App Development
    During this unit, children will be exposed to another aspect of programming, App Development. This is a growing industry that has increased in complexity over the years. Children will have the opportunity to develop their code writing skills, as well and decomposition and debugging, to create their own Mobile App.

  • Unit 4 Introduction Python
    This unit provides an introductory exploration of Python programming, focusing on building foundational coding skills. Students will develop a solid understanding of Python as a programming language, starting with basic concepts such as variables, data manipulation, and displaying messages. They will progress to working with numbers, performing calculations, and implementing conditional statements and loops for program control. The unit also covers the use of functions for code organization and reusability, along with error handling techniques. Students will conclude the unit by applying their knowledge to create a simple calculator program and a guessing game. By the end of this unit, students will have acquired the essential skills to begin their journey as Python programmers.

  • Unit 5 Google Sketch up
    Over the course of this unit, students will be designing their own house both inside and out. Some of may even have a go at designing a whole neighborhood! You will use a range of skills and vocabulary that will allow you to develop your graphic design skills by designing in 3D. Then, you will have 3 lessons to put these skills into practice by completing your house/street for your final assessment. Finally, you will need to create a poster that explains the choices that you have made on your house


Knowledge Organiser

Year 5

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Year 6

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Year 7

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Year 8

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Key Performance Indicators

Year 5    
Year 6    
Year 7