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Uniform & Equipment

As a school, we feel it is important that we maintain high standards in uniform as children wear their uniform to show they are a part of St John’s Middle School. Children will receive consequences in line with our Behaviour Policy should they attend school without the correct uniform, which in term will affect their booster points at the end of each half term.

All uniform may be purchased as follows:

  • S & H Schoolwear and Sports, Church Street, Bromsgrove. Telephone number 01527 874885
  • We do have a small selection of second-hand uniform available for purchase. Please email the school at with your item requirement and size in order for us to check stock for you. Alternatively, you can pop into the main reception during school hours to check on availability.


Girls Boys
Knee-length tartan school skirt or black tailored trousers (not fashion styles or hipsters) to be purchased from the above retailers. Black tailored trousers.
Red school “V” necked jumper with the school logo. Red school “V” necked jumper with school logo.
White school shirt with clip-on tartan tie. White school shirt with clip on tartan tie.
Black socks with trousers, black socks or black tights with skirts. Black socks.
Black leather shoes - No logos, heels, boots, canvas and no trainer-style shoes. Black leather shoes - No logos, heels, boots, canvas and no trainer-style shoes.

Black school blazer
Years 5/6—optional
Years 7/8—compulsory

Black school blazer
Years 5/6—optional
Years 7/8—compulsory

  • Long hair must be tied back for P.E, food technology, design technology and practical science lessons.
  • A watch and one pair of stud earrings (if the ears are pierced) are the only items of jewellery which may be worn. Only one small, plain gold or silver-coloured stud (no jewels) may be worn in each ear lobe. No other body-piercing is permitted, including nose studs. Earrings MUST be gold/silver plain studs.
  • Strictly no make-up or nail varnish.
  • Bags should be a rucksack or satchel type, appropriate for carrying A4-sized books and other essential equipment. 
  • Hair should be natural colours only, brightly-dyed/multi-tonal hair is not permitted. Heads must not be shaved, no tramlines or patterns shaved into hair and no shaved lines in eyebrows.


Girls Boys
Black and red school skort. Black and red school shorts.
Black and red leggings to be purchased from S&H Schoolwear or plain black tracksuit bottoms. Plain black tracksuit bottoms.
Black and red polo shirt with school logo. Black and red polo shirt with school logo.
Red hooded jumper with school logo. Red hooded jumper with school logo.
Black and red rugby shirt (optional).
Long black sports socks. Long black sports socks.
Sports Trainers (not high fashion or expensive)

Summer Uniform

Optional for the summer months, however winter uniform may still be worn if preferred.

This will consist of:

                        Girls - an open neck short-sleeved white blouse (not a polo shirt) without a tie. 

                        Boys - a short-sleeved white shirt (not a polo shirt) with a tie.

Boys/Girls - Black tailored shorts may be worn as an alternative to trousers.

Please note, pupils are required to wear full school uniform (not the summer uniform) for school events, such as prize giving and school photographs.