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New Intake - 2025/2026

Welcome to Year 5 at St. John's.

Our main aim in Year 5 is to ensure all pupils settle quickly and happily into their new school so they can enjoy and achieve from the very moment they join us.

We have a six-form entry from a range of feeder schools and having a large intake means we need an effective transition process, from first to middle school. Thanks to the efforts of staff at St. John's and our excellent feeder schools, we ensure pupils are offered opportunities to become more aware of what middle school will be like, as well as having a thorough process for communication of all necessary information regarding our newest pupils, so we have a head start with helping them to settle in as soon as they begin.

In September, when all the pupils have arrived, they are escorted to their classrooms with their form teachers, proudly wearing their new uniform. In Year 5, classes will remain with their form teacher for many lessons, which creates familiarity and similarity to their first school, making the transition a little smoother and more comfortable. Each year we are always so impressed with the resilience and maturity that our youngest year group arrives with to start their four years at St. John's.

In Year 5, we have 'Give of Your best' prizes and activities which pupils can gain and take part in if they receive enough achievement points. These include items that can be 'bought' with their points, such as pencils, pens, water bottles and St. John's notebooks. We also have exciting end of year rewards days. There is also the annual residential trip, which we aim to open to as many pupils as possible. The trip consists of all sorts of outdoor adventurous activities, including rafting, paintballing, pizza making and toasting marshmallows by a campfire!

With so much to look forward to, we hope you're excited to join St John's!


Celebrating Achievement

Celebrating the achievements of our pupils is a significant and valuable focus at St. John's and is highlighted through various reward schemes. We also proudly recognise and reward children who behave well and show respect for others, those who 'Give of their Best'.


Extra Curriculum

There are numerous extra-curricular activities available to pupils in Year 5 and various enrichment opportunities, which take place both in and out of school. We actively encourage the children to take part in new activities. This may be learning a musical instrument, playing in the orchestra, singing in the choir, or becoming part of one of the many sports teams starting in Year 5. There are also many other clubs for those with different interests. It is the time when they can learn new skills which may stay with them throughout their life.

Our identity as a church school is fundamental to us and we really believe that our pupils live up to that, verse from 1 Timothy.  We have often seen them set such a great example to their fellow-pupils, to staff within the school and visitors.  Our school environment is one where our shared Christian values generate a safe, reflective space and many opportunities for pupils to develop spiritually. Our school has a great track record in allowing children at the school to take the lead in ministering to each other.  The Worship Council, made up of pupils from each year group and our wider team of Worship Leaders, are very active in leading and planning assemblies, class reflection times, and church services; planning and leading our annual Pentecost prayer-week, running the school prayer-space, providing music for collective worship and reviewing and evaluating opportunities for worship across the school.

Our strong connection with St John’s Church is foundational to the school.  Key events in the church calendar are celebrated through services at the church - Harvest, Christingle, Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Easter, Pentecost. It is the venue for occasions such as our annual prize-giving ceremony.  Over the years, we have benefited tremendously from the ministry of the staff at St John’s church, with great input being provided into our church services, assemblies and also within the governing body. Rev. Ray Khan also joins us in school each Thursday as our school Chaplain, spending time with staff and pupils and working with focused groups.

Each half term, we focus in-depth on one of our four Christian values. This value then forms the basis of our collective worship over the half term. Every week at St John’s, we have an assembly theme tailored to the pupils.  The topic will be based on one of our values and we may look at this through a contemporary lens, a Biblical narrative, or it may fit in with one of the many charity fund-raising initiatives that we support. Pupils at St John’s have proved exceptional at raising funds for a whole range of different charities.


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When will I find out which class I am in? 

We will inform parents a few weeks before the summer holidays and in time for parents to meet their teachers at the parent information evening.

Will I know anyone in my class? 

Even if there are only a few of you coming to St. John’s from your first school, we will make sure you know someone in your class. If there are more of you from your first school, you will know a few more people in your class.  

Will my friends be in my class? 

When we put the classes together, we have to make sure we have a good balance of lots of things, such as boys and girls, which first school you have come from, how confident you are in different subjects as well as others, so there is a lot to think about. After all of those things are considered and it is possible with class numbers, we will do our best to place friends together.

When will I get to meet my teacher? 

You will meet your new teacher in September. However, there are video introductions of our Year 5 teachers on our website. If you watch these videos, they will feel a little more familiar. They are all amazing, lovely teachers. 

What will we do on the first day? 

When you first arrive at St. John’s, you will enter the playground at 8:40am, then once the bell goes, you will line up in front of your teacher. We will help you do this. You will then spend a lot of time with your class teacher getting to know all about St. John’s. You will receive your new planner and your timetable, which shows you which lessons you have each day. 

What if I get lost? 

For lots of you St. John’s is a much bigger school, but don’t worry – at the start you will spend most of your time in your own class. If you do need to go anywhere else, we will show you where to go and if you're still unsure, you can ask any of the teachers or other children and they will be more than happy to help you find your way.

What do I do if I have any questions?  

You can always ask your teacher if there is anything you need to know. 

What do I need to bring in to school? 

On our website you can see a Pupil information booklet. This gives you some more information about what you need in your pencil case, as well as the times of the day and other information. 

What do I do at break and lunchtimes? 

At break time you can collect your snack if you have one and go to play outside. There are also snacks to buy from the school kitchen. At lunchtime, you will either have a packed lunch in your classroom or hot dinners in the hall – we will show you where to go. 

What do I do at the end of the day? 

Your teacher will ask you to collect your coats and bags then put your chair up. Then you can leave at the end of the day – you will need to remember who you are meeting and where. If you are meeting friends or siblings, remember to have a meeting place beforehand. If you are meeting a parent, remember which of the two gates you need to go to. As always, if you’re unsure, you should ask a teacher.